
I have an造句,any造句简单初一

用was造句简单一点 2023-02-08 04:57 671 墨鱼

I have an造句,any造句简单初一

,解答1、idea,英语单词,主要用作为名词,作名词时意为想法;主意;概念。2、双语造句:1)However, I have no idea where to go但是,我拿不定主意去哪儿。2)But if you have an idea aIhavetofinishmyhomeworkbeforewatchingTV我必须先做完家庭作业才能看电视【其他英语造句】1.It'snotlikethat.不是那样的It'snotlikethat.这句话是用来辟谣

i have an造句三年级

笔记评论🌸 2021-05-02 I have no way ^^* 2022-12-21 I have no sheep .这句话对吗?独角兽2022-10-04 为什么都是i have开头的?快乐^O^一天2021-05-03 好像说我的I have a pen..I have an apple..I have ..I have ..多找几个名词不就完事了.

用i have an造句

11、I am an optimistic and confident girl、I have full confidence in a bright future, and i believe i can do well in CAAC. 我是一个乐观自信的女孩,我have an appointment at的造句和例句:1. Well , i must be off now . i have an appointment at six嗯,我现在得离开了。我六点有个约会。2. A : well , i ' ll have an app

i have a 造句子

have an ear for英语造句,1、I just do not have an ear for music.我就是不能听懂音乐。2、I wish I could have an ear for music.我希望我能听懂音乐。3、Y请例句:Passmesomebones,please.请递给我一些骨头。单元新词have 动词:有例句:Ihavemanytoys.我有许多玩具。单元新词ship 名词:轮船例句:It'sabigship.它是一艘大轮船

I have an.

book 第十三页,共40页。pen 第十四页,共40页。pencil pencil 第十五页,共40页。eraseraneraser 第十六页,共40页。anegg anapple anumbrella 第十七页,共40页。Let’spraI have an influenza epidemic. 中文意思:我得了流行性感冒。以下为相关句子列表(点击查看,可以看对应的解释): 1I have an idea that there were long periods of silence,


标签: any造句简单初一



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