
belong to造句,there is句型造句

pickup造句简单 2023-12-23 12:47 815 墨鱼

belong to造句,there is句型造句

1、The pastbelongs tothe death, nowbelongs tooneself. 2、Everything thatbelongs toGod belongs also to his children. 3、The futurebelongs todemocracy解析you belong to me,I belong to you,I will love you with my heart. 结果一题目用“belong to"造句答案you belong to me,I belong to you,I will love you with my

●﹏● 1、The Chinese belong to the yellow race.释义:中国人属于黄种人。2、I have every reason to be confident of o类型英语造句1、Frank saw and felt how much happier a boy may be by not meddling with what does notbelong to him.(弗兰克看到并感觉到,一个不去干涉不属于他的东西的孩

的成员;是……的一部分1、belong to sb 可用来指某物属于某人例句:This book belongs to me. 这本书是我的2、belong to sth (1)指与某物或某处有一定的关联belong to 造句是特殊疑问句要5个优质解答Whom is that belong to ?Whom are those belong to?What is belong to you ?Which pencil is belong to you ?Which

41、I feel everything in the world,allbelong to me,because you fell in love with me.因为你爱我,我感觉整个世界都属于我。42、No matter whether of lobelongto造句子:

ゃōゃ 1、TheChinesebelongtotheyellowrace.中国人属于黄种人。




标签: there is句型造句



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