

attract attention to sth 2023-12-25 14:06 728 墨鱼
attract attention to sth


attention 词态变化:复数:attentions 包含attention的单词更多> 包含attention的短语更多> Attentioneveryone,attention. 各位注意一下。Attentioneveryone,attention. 各位“attention”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 名词n. 1. 注意;注意力;专心[U] Let me have your attention! 请注意听我讲话!2. 照料;检修[U] 3. 照顾;治疗She gave

Don't pay anyattentionto what they say (= don't think that it is important) . 别在意他们所说的话。牛津词典She tried to attract the waiter'sattention. 她试图引起attention [ə՝ten∫ən] 重复播放n. 注意,关心,关注,注意力,(口令)立正!英文解释名词:1. the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the env

attention是什么意思,attention怎么读语音:英音[əˈtenʃn] 美音[əˈtɛnʃən] attention 基本解释n.注意,注意力;照料,关怀;殷勤int.[口令]立正attention 记忆方法attention to others` feelings.体谅他人的感爱attentions Acts of courtesy, consideration, or gallantry, especially by a suitor. attentions 殷勤:尤指求婚者礼貌,体谅,

attention英[ə'tenʃ(ə)n]美[ə'tɛnʃən]n. 注意力;关心;立正!口令) CET4 TEM4 考研TOEFL CET6 使用频率: 星级词汇:«1 / 3 »助记提示1. at- "to" + tent- + -ionAttention teaches you why you're winning and losing deals and helps you do something about it. Track More With Less Resources Set custom triggers so that our AI l


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