
lemon tree最标准谐音歌词,lemon怎么唱谐音

lemon歌词谐音 2023-09-05 20:06 532 墨鱼

lemon tree最标准谐音歌词,lemon怎么唱谐音

ˋ▽ˊ I’ve got nothing do.lemon tree 英文谐音歌词1. sittinghere boringroom. justanother rainy sunday afternoon.诶次炸死t ring泥桑得(dei) wastingmy time,lemontree英文谐音歌词资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除I'msittinghereinaboringroom.暗木C厅嘿一耳音额包ring容It'sjustanotherrainysundayafternoon.诶

ˋ0ˊ 《Lemon Tree》文本歌词中英文双语对照I'm sitting here in a boring room 我呆坐在这毫无生气的房间里It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon 又是一个阴雨绵绵的周日the 不录不录死盖36. And all that I can see. 暗的奥that 哎看C 37. And all that I can see. 暗的奥that 哎看C 38. And all that I can see is just

1、英文歌词:2、我坐在一个无聊的房间里。3、又是一个下雨的周日下午;4、我在浪费时间,我无事可做;5、我在附近徘徊,我在等你;6、但是什么也没有发生;7、I don't want to sit on the lemon tree.哎动望特图C 特昂the 来蒙吹25. I'm stepping around in a desert of joy.暗木死带平额让的因额带the 特7、哦夫找哎26. Maybe anyh

●△● 13. And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. 暗的奥that 哎看C 诶Z 炸死特额也楼来蒙吹14. I'm turning my head up and 'm turning, turning, turning, turnlemon歌词谐音wonderturningving sittinghereboringroom.justanotherrainysundayafternoon.ring泥桑得(dei)wastingmytime,I’vegotnothing哎夫告特那thinghan

that I can see.安的哦袋特艾看西And all that I can see.安的哦袋特艾看西And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.安的哦袋特艾看lemontree英文谐音歌词TheStandardizationOfficewasrevisedontheafternoonofDecember13,2020LI1msittinghereinaboringroom.暗木C厅嘿一耳音额包ring容It'sjustanotherrainySundayaf


标签: lemon怎么唱谐音



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