

clean简单造句 2023-09-27 11:11 835 墨鱼


˙﹏˙ 用borrow造句1. I had to borrow some money from my friend to pay for my rent this month. 2. Can I borrow your pen for a moment? I need to write something down. 37、borrowfreely from other writers 8、Whose pen will youborrow? 9、Can Iborrowa pen from you? 10、borrowwind to fan the fire 11、Can Iborrowyour tel

你向他借了多少钱?I often borrow from them. 我时常向他们借这借那。May I borrow your dictionary? 我可以借用你的词典吗?Some people neither borrow nor lend.borrow英语造句,1、You may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back.只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。2、It save a lot

?ω? 用borrow造句(3句) 相关知识点:试题来源:解析您的答案:How much have you borrowed from him?你向他借了多少钱?I often borrow from them.我时常向他们借这借那.May I borborrow造句复制1、We canborrowfrom the neighbors.(我们可以借邻居的。2、Can Iborrowyour pencil, please?(请问我可以借你的铅笔用吗? 3、Even though museums have b

您好,您的答案:How much have you borrowed from him? 你向他借了多少钱?I often borrow from them. 我时常向他们借这借那。May I borrow your dictionary? 我可borrow and lend的造句和例句:1. Only then will nations be able to borrow and lend at the same interest rates. 2. When interest rates rise, the spread narrows betw

【造句】Wi: we borrow, but we footnote. 沃尔特:我们是借,但我们也加脚注。borrow的反义词:return return v.回转,返回;复发,又来;送还;言归正传;n.归来,返乡;来回,汇成;用borrowfrom造句用b‎o r‎r o‎w.‎..‎f r‎o m‎造句‎ ‎篇一‎:‎b o‎r r‎o w‎的用‎法小‎议‎b o‎r r‎o w‎的用‎法小‎议‎ 1‎.‎可用‎作及


标签: 用modern造句



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