
speaking english的例句

speakingenglish 2023-11-30 03:29 545 墨鱼

speaking english的例句

speaking English 是动名词词组。在这个词组中,speaking 和English 的关系不是修饰和被修饰的关系,而是及物动词+宾语的关系。由于加了ing,这个动宾词组就名词Public speaking is not my strong suit. (公众演讲不是我的强项。近义词:talking, chatting, conversing 反义词:silent, quiet English 词性:名词,形容词解释:英语(语言)

单词speaking 例句大全,用单词speaking造句:These are the rules that will help you achieve your goal ofspeakingEnglish fluently. 这些规则将会帮助你实现讲出一口流利双语例句全部1. Stress and rhythm are important in speaking English. 讲英语时重音及节奏都很重要. 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》2. In speaking English do not swallow

原聲例句It is not unusual to see someone from the Mandarin Service talking to someone from the Urdu Service, both speaking English. It's like when you have foreiIn order to provoke students interest in speaking English in class and develop their communicative competence, some reforms have been made tentatively in improvin

双语例句1. I am speaking English but you are acting like sheep, only looking wide-eyed. 我讲的是英语,但你表现的像只绵羊,只是睁大眼睛。2. You must be as much as possib4.He doesn't speak English 译:他不会讲英语。5.It was unfortunate that he couldn't speak English. 译:可惜他不会讲英语。6、Do you speak English? 译:你会说英语吗?


标签: how do you study english造句



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