

tsunami造句 2022-12-24 22:57 659 墨鱼


下面跟着学习啦小编一起来学习slide 的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!slide的用法slide的用法1:slide的基本意思是物体在表面上顺畅的滑动。可指与光点击下载单词SLIDE 例句大全,用单词SLIDE造句:You can then use aslider to adjust the volume's size. 然后您可以使用一个滑块来调整卷大小。Adjust theslider to specify what us

4. The company had let environmental standards slide. 这家公司听凭环境标准的不断下降。来自柯林斯例句5. Can you slide out of the room without the chairman seeing you? 你能悄悄溜出1、Slide,slidedown theslide. 2、slidehemagglutination 3、slideof papilionaceous flower 4、manipulatorslidebeam 5、colour-slidechain 6、microscopesli

>ω< The point about this slide is actually thebottom. 这图片的重点在底部。Assemble module adaptor hand tight tobottomhalf. 安装模块适配器,用手将其紧固在下半部地方。slide造句1、I slide downhill, thwack into the tree that marks the boundary of the next plot.我滑下山坡,重重地撞在一棵标志着下一块墓地边界的树上。2

秋千——swing:There's a swing. 滑梯——slide:There's a slide. 学校——school:What's in your school? 建筑物——building:What's in the building? 书柜28、The drawersslidein and out easily.(这几个抽屉好推好拉。29、Now, as you recall from the uranium 238slide, I think the nextslidewill show it.(现

(*?↓˙*) 11、a transparency mounted in a frame; viewed with a slide projector裱在框架里的一种透明的图片;用幻灯机观看。12、The transparency and luster of a gem水色宝石的透slides造句1、Heslidesinto depression. 2、technique for microscopicalslides 3、Visual aids such asslides. 4、That's what waterslidesoff! 5、mountsli


标签: disaster造句简单



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