
a few cans of coke怎么读,candy怎么读

confuse 2023-11-05 14:41 923 墨鱼

a few cans of coke怎么读,candy怎么读

(1)C。a few cans of Coke译为几罐可乐。故答案为:C。2)D。an old woman译为一位老妇人。故答案为:D。3)E。make cakes译为制作蛋糕。故答案为:E。4)A。weather forecast译A few cans of Coke.中文翻译:几罐可乐。重点词汇释义:A few:少许,少数;一点点;些许cans:罐头( can的名词复数); 容器;食品罐头;将…装入密封罐中保存(

coke 英[kəʊk] 美[koʊk]n.焦炭,焦煤,可乐。vt.& vi.转化或者被转化为焦炭。例句coke的读音:kəʊk]。双元音/əʊ/的发音方法:1)学习该音发音方法请先学习/ə/和/ʊ/这两个单元音。2)首先嘴型呈半圆并稍向前突出,

I'd like a coke, please.(我想要一杯可乐。Do you have any coke left in the fridge?(冰箱里还剩下可乐吗? 此外,coke还可以指煤炭焦炭(一种黑色、坚硬的燃料)或可卡因。例如:TThere are only a few cans of coke and a little orange juice. However, everyone is happy at the party because there's plenty of beer. 菜很少弗雷德在开宴会,但是他

a few cans of Cokea few bars of chocolate 2.句型I will bring a box of cakes.[来源:学.科.网] Unit 6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice切换课文big bottle of orange juicePeriod 1一、教学目标1.词汇:bar, bottle , bring , fruit , pic nic , pea nut , can, candy , a bottle of orangejuice , a box of cakes,a few cans o


标签: candy怎么读



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