
much greener

greener的用法 2024-01-01 10:21 951 墨鱼

much greener

That's really interesting something you mentioned the generational difference and in a way like you persuaded me that I don't think I agree with yoChina is making the world much greener than before. 中国正在让世界变得比以前更绿。8. 45kb The company also says it is likely to give greener products more shel

≥0≤ they are like the cold spring. we should never fear them. if we do our best, we can overcome the difficulties. when i take another look at the grass, it seems mucplantingtreescanmakesourcountrymuchgreener为什么不用moregreener plantingtreescanmakesourcountrymuchgreener 为什么不用moregreener 5回答2020-06-2418:

●ω● greener造句1、Agreenerfuture? 2、The city is muchgreener. 3、And malmo claims to be evengreener. 4、Common cars aregreenerthan electric cars. 5、Magreener 显示所有例句adj. 颜色colour 1. 绿色的;草绿色的having the colour of grass or the leaves of most plants and trees 青草覆盖covered with grass 2. 长满青草的;

however然而;what's worse更糟的是;even though虽然;besides另外;The car looks nice与It's much greener是车的两个优点,所以应用besides此外,另外,作进一步的补充.故选D. 点评本题考查连词辨析,greener 1. "Take it easy on Alex and don't scold him too much, " said Mrs. Green to Mr. Green. "对亚历克斯耐心点,别过于责骂他。格林太太向格林先生交代说。2. Have

How much greener is telecommuting than dragging my sorry bones to work? 在家办公比拖曳着可怜的骨头去办公室上班绿多少?I sometimes think I"d be happier teaching inOur land was much greener. We had no idea we'd have to live like this one day.我们的土地曾经更绿一些。我们不知道有一天我们会这样生活。The access road has been flooded f


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