

用英语介绍小猫8句话 2022-12-25 04:04 693 墨鱼


介绍小猫的英语作文篇12 I have got two baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He l长颈鹿:tall thin mild 老虎:ferocious dreadful Overbearing 大象:huge mild 兔子:cute gentle 猫:Haughty cute lovely Overbearing 狗:Loyal deary

(#`′)凸 2、If only+句子!1)、这个句式是表愿望的感叹句,句子部分可以用虚拟语气。翻译为“要是……多好啊!但愿……”。2)、若与现在事实相反,则句子部分用一般过去时;若与过去事实相反介绍猫的英语小作文篇1 A week ago, my best friend gave me a lovely cat. I love it very much. It is special. Its fur is black not yellow. So I call it little black. It h

I have a cat. Its name is Miaomiao. It is five years old. Its fur is pure white and its你喜欢可爱的小猫吗?下面是由语文迷提供的介绍猫的英语作文(通用11 篇),希望对你有帮助。介绍猫的英语作文篇1 Cats are very cute animals,they are very special as we

小猫英语作文篇1 Several days ago, Mother brought home a little cat. I gave her a nice name "Mimi". She is black all over except her: four feet and a small nose. There I have a cat. Its name is Miaomiao. It is five years old. Its fur is pure white and its eyes look li


标签: 英语写猫的作文5句



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