

用comfort造句 2023-08-22 18:42 613 墨鱼


Most people just don't seem to care enough to put a bit of effort into their relationship every day. 大多数的人好像不愿意每天花足够的精力在他们的关系上。Wish all单词effort 例句大全,用单词effort造句:To accomplish by work oreffort. 通过工作或努力完成Ability andeffortcondition success. 成功取决于才干和努力。Ability andeff

A great deal of effort has gone into this exhibition.为了这次展览投入了很大力量。词汇搭配focus one's effort on 对…集中力量 lend one's effort 作出努力make an effort美[ˈefərt] 英[ˈefə(r)t] n.努力;尽力;成就;气力网络努力的成果;尝试;工作量复数:efforts 搭配同义词反义词v.+n. make effort,require effort,expend effort,need e

ˋ△ˊ 25、Our struggle for freedom and justice was a collectiveeffort. 26、That means the test automationeffortbecomes a collaboration. 27、As a general rA little more effort, and we'll soon reach the shore. 不停地划呀,孩子们!再加一把劲,我们就要到岸了。5. Done with or requiring little effort;effortless. 不用费力的

in an effort to do make an effort to do spare no effort to do make every effort spare no effort in a common effort without effort make a united effort 词型变化:形effort造句并翻译1. He put a lot of effort into studying for the exam, and his hard work paid off when he received top marks. (他在备考中付出了很多努力,当他获得最


标签: effort的词组



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