

put有关的英语短语 2023-12-24 16:53 787 墨鱼


初中英语put 的短语搭配有:put aside、put away、put down、put off、put on、put out、put into、put on weigh、put sb to bed、put up、put up with 等。扩展资料The t关于“put”的几个初中短语一、put away放好1、There are so many books here,please put them away. 这有如此多的书籍,请把他们收好。和tidy up 的区别见

初中put的短语1、put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场2、put into 使进入;把放进;在……上种植3、put up 提供;建造;举起;推举,提名;供给…住宿4、put together ..放(一)put forward 该短语主要表示“提出”,后面常跟建议、计划等。如:These foreigners have put forward a proposal for a joint venture. 这些外国人提出了一个合资企业的建议。

>▂< 中考网整理了关于2021中考英语重点必背短语:put 短语,希望对同学们有所帮助,仅供参考。put 短语1. put up 举起,挂起,搭建2. put on 穿上,戴上,上演3. put 1、put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场2、put into 使进入;把放进;在……上种植3、put up 提供;建造;举起;推举,提名;供给…住宿4、put together ..放在一

1. put aside 存钱2. put away 放好,收起来;存钱3. put an end to 结束4. put back 把(钟)拨慢;推迟;阻碍5. put down 扑灭,平息,镇压;放下6. put forward 17. He put up a map ___ the back wall because there was a hole ___ it. A. on; on B. at; in C. on; in 18. This kind of TV is made___ China. . A. in

✔️以put为中心的短语✔️以get为中心的短语✔️以give为中心的短语✔️以take为中心的短语……这些都是考试必考的短语!年年考!次次考!即将中考的宝子们抓紧背,一定要考上理【导读】以下内容是2021中考英语知识点,各位考生可以参考学习。初中英语短语——put短语1.put up 举起,挂起,搭建2.put on 穿上,戴上,上演3.put away 把—放


标签: turn的短语搭配



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