才华英语说法1:talent 才华英语说法2:Brilliance 才华英语说法3:gift 才华的英语例句:一群群才华出众的年轻人 Tribes of talented young people 她很有才华。S...
08-28 472
吸引……的注意用英语怎么说 |
你如果考虑到她学英语才不过六个月,那么她英语讲得的确不错了。If you consider that she has only been studying English for six months, she speaks it very well. 我们没有考虑leave 加以考虑take 值得考虑sneeze 不考虑Dismiss 考虑过的advised 经过考虑的advised 最新单词支材英文怎么写stilt 支杆销英文怎么写及英语单词支杆天线英文怎么写st
∩0∩ 考虑到的英语短语有take into account、in light of、take into consideration、given that、allow for、make allowances for。考虑到的英语短语例句如下:His exam results实用口语:“考虑到”用英语怎么说?allow for 考虑到;将…计算在内;为…酌留余地If you allow for certain problems or expenses, you include some extra tim
句首可用regarding🔥从0开口说英语1-4级,中外教双师互动💐【免费】外教1V1口语课:实景角色演练考虑到的英文:have in mindhave regard forhave regard tohave respect toin cons
考虑到翻译拼音:kǎo lǜ dào 考虑到的法语翻译考虑到的德语翻译英语翻译:【法】in consideration of; whereas 分词翻译:考的英语翻译:check; give or take an examin考虑到►含义because of 由于、鉴于►例句In light ofwhat happened last week, please take care on the escalators. 鉴于上周发生的事情,请在扶手电梯上
≥ω≤ 考虑到的英语表达Considering考虑到Considering that he is no more than 12 years old, his height of 1.80 m is quite remarkable.考虑到他仅仅十二岁,他考虑到的英文短语问题一:考虑用英语短语怎么说考虑n. consideration, think v. premeditate, think over, consider, square up, think out 问题二:考虑的英语怎么说考虑
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标签: 打破的英文短语怎么写
才华英语说法1:talent 才华英语说法2:Brilliance 才华英语说法3:gift 才华的英语例句:一群群才华出众的年轻人 Tribes of talented young people 她很有才华。S...
08-28 472
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