

infrontof造句子简单并翻译 2023-09-23 06:28 276 墨鱼


Sunday造句1、Sunday is a normal working day for me.(星期日是我的正常工作日。2、I thought we might go for a drive onSunday.(我原以为我们可能星期日去开车兜风。3、He enjoyed a rounSunday造句答案I usually go movies on Sunday. 结果二题目climblastsunday造句答案答案:I climbed the mountain last Sunday.核心短语/词汇:last Sunday 上个星期天句

╯ω╰ 解析I have to go to school on sunday.星期日我也得去上学.结果一题目Sunday造句,并有中文意思答案I have to go to school on sunday.星期日我也得去上学.相关推荐1Su用sunday造句1.Iove to relax and read a book on Sunday. 2.Sunday is my favorite day of the week because I get to spend time with my family. 3.I always go to churc

ˇ﹏ˇ 1、Sunday is a normal working day for me.(星期日是我的正常工作日。2、I thought we might go for a drive on S单词sunday 例句大全,用单词sunday造句:onSundayafternoon 在星期天下午Lazing on asundayafternoon 悠闲的星期日午后a somnolentSundayafternoon 使人昏昏欲睡的星期天下

6、I shall leave on Sunday if nothing intervenes.若无什么事情发生的话,我将于星期天动身。7、We marketed for a special Sunday dinner.我们为星期天的特别晚餐买了一些sunday造句1、Our team got clobbered lastsunday. 2、The banks are open every day exceptsunday. 3、Everysunday, they played volleyball in the park. 4


标签: 用sunny造句



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