
none of us is还是are,any of us后面跟单数还是复数

none of 后面谓语用单数还是复数 2023-11-11 14:21 919 墨鱼
none of 后面谓语用单数还是复数

none of us is还是are,any of us后面跟单数还是复数

解析None of 后面即可接单数动词也可接复数动词形式,表示“……中任何一个人(或任何事物、任何部分)都不,如:Noene of us are / is afraid of difficulties.我们当中没有一个1、None of that money on the table is mine.桌子上的钱都不是我的. 2、None of us are/is afraid of difficulties.我们当中没有一个害怕困难. none和no one都是否定的,都只用在肯

?0? 可以强调““没有一个”;也可以侧重“都不”。None but the brave deserve/deserves the fair.唯有英雄可以配美人。None know/knows the weight of another's burden.看人挑担不吃第一个填is或are;none用于指人或指物,可与of短语连用,谓语动词用作单数或复数都可以,总是用在一定范围之内.例句:None of us are/ is afraid of difficulties.我

解答一举报None of us are perfect.我们都不是完人.None of us is infallible.我们无人不犯错误.要看是强调整体还是个人.主要依照OF后面的名次来定,有时单复1、None of that money on the table is mine.桌子上的钱都不是我的. 2、None of us are/is afraid of difficulties.我们当中没有一个害怕困难. none和no one都

none of⽤法1、None of that money on the table is mine.桌⼦上的钱都不是我的。2、None of us are/is afraid of difficulties.我们当中没有⼀个害怕困难。none和no one都1、加are和is都可以。2、None of them is Chinese:没有一个人是中国人。3、None of them are Chinese:他们所有人都不是中国人。none of them 读音:英[nʌn


标签: any of us后面跟单数还是复数



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