
week短语,Week by week

怎么用week造英语句子 2024-01-01 10:26 558 墨鱼

week短语,Week by week

3.短语搭配:last week上周,上星期;next week下周,下星期;every week每周;once a week每星期一次;twice a week每周两次;during the week本周期间;这周期间;in a习惯用语a prophetic week■(《圣经》中的)七年a week of Sundays■七周■[口]很久很久clergyman's week■包括两个星期日的八天假期Holy W-■复活节的前一周(a) week about (

week是名词,意思是星期,周(尤指从星期一到星期日或从星期日到星期六的一段时间)。常用的短语是:lastweek上周;thisweek这周;nextweek下周;everyweek每周;week英汉英英网络释义week 显示所有例句n. 1. 周;星期;礼拜a period of seven days, either from Monday to Sunday or from Sunday to Saturday 2. 一周;七天的时间any perio

短语搭配1. last week 上周;上星期2. three times a week 一周三次3. next week 下周;下星期;下个礼拜4. this week 本周;这周;这星期5. once a week 一周一次;每周一次;一个星相似短语week by week phr. 一周又一周this week 本周week and week about 每隔一周week in week out 一星期又一星期地,接连好多星期the week 本周week after w

adv.下星期相像短语the week after next下下星期next week adv.下星期knock sb into the middle of next week把某人打昏,杀死某人,把某人撵走send sb into the middle of ne1. I play tennis twice a week. 我一星期打两次网球。2. She goes to the cinema once a week. 她每星期去看一次电影。3. I am always busy on week days. 我在工作日总是


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