
thanks to造句,enable sb to do造句

thanks造句简单小学 2023-09-27 22:29 841 墨鱼

thanks to造句,enable sb to do造句

单词thanks to 例句大全,用单词thanks to造句:Thanks tothe ineffectual efforts of prosecutors many trials were lost or abandoned. 由于检察官的无能,许多次审讯都失败30、Manythanks toEric Johnson for providing a link to this map.

⊙0⊙ 1.Thanks to you.都要多谢你.2 thanks to your help 多亏你的帮助3.thanks to your directions 多亏你的指点4.Thanks to his salty coffee!感谢他的咸味咖啡!5.T1、Success came quickly, thanks to a mixture of talent, enterprise, and luck. 成功之所以来得这么快,靠的是才能、足智多谋和运气。2、They fell on their knees, rendering

1、Thanks to his salty coffee! 2、Welcome and thanks to our judges! 3、She recovered,thanks to the doctor. 用thanks to造句用thanks to 造句1. Thanks to my parent类型英语造句1、thanks to a new directive, food labelling will be more specific.(由于官方的一项新指令,食品标签将会更明确具体。2、thanks to God, I'm fine, and ver

thanks to英语造句,1、But thanks to its improved terms of trade, Australia gets more for its wares than it did.但由于其改善的贸易用thanks to造句thanks to的造句介绍如下:Everyone knows about it now, thanks to you! 多亏了你,现在大家都知道了!We managed to get it finished in the e


标签: enable sb to do造句



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