
stick的短语,stick to do和doing区别

match的短语 2023-12-09 13:49 467 墨鱼

stick的短语,stick to do和doing区别

近义词辨析这些名词均有“手杖”之意。cane多指用藤或竹制成的细长的手杖。stick普通用词,指木制的细长手杖。staff多指走路爬山时用作支持或防卫使用的长木棒。相关短语lotus 1 2 3 【电】花莲1、stick out。翻译:伸出,突出,坚持到底,继续。2、stick to。翻译:坚持,忠于,信守。3、stick together。翻译:粘在一起,互相忠诚。4、stick by。翻译:

stick by 1. 忠于They vowed to stick by one another no matter what happened. 他们立誓生死与共。2. 坚持He sticked by his beliefs. 他坚持自己的信念。stick to 1二、stick短语及其用法1. stick to(粘住;坚持)stick to是一个常用的短语,可以表示“粘住”或“坚持”的意思。例如,我们可以说“The gum stuck to my shoe”(口

(#`′)凸 有关stick的词组stick in the mud 陷入泥中,墨守成规stick…into…把…插入…中stick out 突出,伸出,显眼stick to 坚持,忠于,粘到…上stick to 坚持,不放弃;忠于,拥护到底stick up 突出,竖立;支持或维护stir up 搅拌;煽动,激励,惹起subject to 受制于,易于such as 例如,诸如;凡是sufficient for 足够的suitable

#英语#英语短语#英语单词接下来小编为大家整理了stick的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!stick的短语:stick with(v.+prep.) 1.继续做continue to work hard at sth Fred stuck with his homework until


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