
用thousands of造句,用climb up造句

七年级下册英语冀教版短语造句 2023-10-11 23:21 848 墨鱼

用thousands of造句,用climb up造句

1、Thethousands ofnew …2、To readthousands ofvolumes and travelthousands ofmiles??? 3、They burntthousands ofpagans. 4、They heardthousands ofgunsIt's difficult to seethousands upon thousands ofin a sentence. 用thousands upon thousands of造句挺难的

thousands of造句1. Thousands of people gathered in the city square to protest against the government's decision. 2. The company hired thousands of employees to w好几万块= tens of thousands of yuan(ten 和thousand 都要加s ) 英文里没有"万"这个单位,1万= 10千= ten thousand 例句:①There are hundreds of people in the hall

Thousand of students are in the play ground.(数百名学生在操场上玩耍)thousands of造句复制1、thousands ofpeople crowded the narrow streets.(成千上万的人把狭窄的街道挤得水泄不通。2、He donatedthousands ofpounds to charity.(他向慈

thousands of的用法:thousands of+名词复数数千……表示笼统数字内,即前面不能加具体数字。如:There are two thousand students in their school(他们学校有两In fact, literally hundreds ofthousands ofstudents have accomplished this task before you. 事实上,数千百个学生已经完成这个任务了。英文例句大全为您提供thousands o

thousand of造句1、Who controlledthousand ofclean springs. 2、So there were delivered out of the thousands of Israel, athousand ofevery tribe, twelv谢邀不是“many”可以修饰“thousands of”,而是“many”可以修饰“thousand”。因为在这里,“many”


标签: 用climb up造句



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