
儿歌up and down,抖音up and down left and right

up and down原版 2023-02-22 17:29 882 墨鱼
up and down原版

儿歌up and down,抖音up and down left and right

?﹏? I have a little friend and Gymbo is his name O G-Y-M-B-O (3x) And Gymbo is his name O. 1-5Gymbo Dance Gymbo the clown goes up and down, up and down, upand down. Gymbo the clown goes Up And Down - 海伦多兰| 英语儿歌Up up up Down down down Turn around and round and round Up up up Down down down Turn around and round and round Jump up high Bend dow

Down come the rain drops 慢慢开始下雨Soft and slow 滴答滴答Up comes a flower 长出一颗种子Grow and grow 开出一朵花今天特别喜欢这首小儿歌,于是开始理解学习输入这首儿歌Up and Down(上和下) 专辑简介【Play with Music】系列儿歌,是蘑菇爸爸和小乖妈妈倾力创作的,更适合中国宝宝听感的“儿歌百科全书”。本系列儿歌采用【分龄+分级】模式,每天10分


标签: 抖音up and down left and right



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