
when sb doing,when do

be doing when 2023-12-18 11:04 312 墨鱼
be doing when

when sb doing,when do

1. when you do the work, you should be careful. = When doing the work, you should be careful. 2. If I am free, I'll do it. = If free, I'll do it. 3. when you do tspokenused to askwhysomeone or something is in a particular place or doing a particular thing, especially when you aresurprisedorannoyedby thisWhat’s my coat doing on the floor?What

1.when doing ,主语= when 主语be doing ,主语这里的doing 是现在分词2.when did 这种提法不正确,应该是when done ,主语= when 主语b该句子中,sb be doing sth when 意为“某人正在做某事,这时”。When相当于at that time。【例句】We were watching TV when our mom came in. 我们正在看电视,这时候妈妈进

怎么可以用doing呢,这里应该是谓语,应该用be doing When my mother __is cooking__ meals for uswhen从句的主语和主句的主语是同一个或同一些人时,从句的谓语动词为be动词+doing形式,可以把从句的主语和be动词省略,即用when doing sth是指当做……事情时,如:when doing the work

when从句的主语和主句的主语是同一个或同一些人时,从句的谓语动词为be动词+doing形式,可以把从句的主语和be动词省略,即用when doing sth是指当做……事情时,如:when doing th可以,当主句主语和when后面引导的从句主语一致的时候即可。例如:When working in a group, we should

传统语法中,从句指的是限定性分句,因此when doing这种从属连词+非限定动词组成的分句必须得解释成限定性when sb.do sth 是说当某人做某事,也就是时常做的,请看Doeswhen doing sth 是说某人正在做某事,不一定是习惯做的.强调“正在”,请看Doing那给你举例子好了.She usually open


标签: when do



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