

caution的固定搭配 2023-12-13 11:22 425 墨鱼


n. to throw caution to the wind:不顾一切;鲁莽行事展开简明例句I threwcautionto the wind and rode as fast as I could. 我不顾一切,全速骑行。n. 小心;留神展开简明例句单词caution 例句大全,用单词caution造句:He cast allcautionaside. 他把所有的小心都丢到一边去了。We stresscautionand calm 我们需要强调谨慎和冷静He always acts wit

(°ο°) 11. You should proceed with the utmost caution. 你应该小心行事。12. The Chancellor is a man of caution. 财政大臣为人处世谨慎。13. You should exercise extreme caution caution的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.) The teacher gave Tom a caution and told him never to do it again. 老师给了汤姆一次警告,叫他不许再那样做。H

33. Caution must be exercised in the employment of wind data. 使用风的数据时必须谨慎。34. Cross wind is getting strong, taxi with caution. 侧风增大,注意滑行。351. Caution someone about something 这个用法表示对某人提醒注意某事或某物。例句:The teacher cautioned the students about crossing the road without looking both way

例句:Handle that gun with caution. 拿那支枪要小心。例句:All their care, their caution, their wariness had been wrecked on the rock of the inevitcaution for (v.+prep.) caution的用法例句:1. Television broadcasters were warned to exercise cautionover depicting scenes of violence. 电视台受到警告,要求对暴力场


标签: 用caution造句



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