
develop造句简单,give away造句简单

describe造句简单 2023-08-25 10:08 402 墨鱼

develop造句简单,give away造句简单

She won a grant to develop her own business 她赢得了一笔拨款,用以扩展自己的企业。Entrepreneurs developed fashionable restaurants and bars in the area下面为您提供关于【develop造句】内容,供您参考。1、How fast would the diseasedevelop?(这种疾病发展有多快? 2、We need todeveloplocal industries.(我们

⊙0⊙ 1、Todevelopor cause todevelopcrevasses. 2、Idevelopfilms myself. 3、Exercisesdevelopmuscle. 4、Todevelopgradually. 5、developa powerful smash 6、Axdevelop 造句如下:1、Fresh air and exercise develop healthy bodies。新鲜空气和运动能使身体健康。2、Her friendship with David developed slowly。她与大卫的友谊

develop造句类型英语造句1、How fast would the diseasedevelop?(这种疾病发展有多快? 2、We need todevelop local industries.(我们需要发展地方工业。3、When the weath单词develop 例句大全,用单词develop造句:what we've been able todevelop. 我们的研究发展。Able todevelopinto kidney tissue. 肾发生的能发展为肾组织的todevelop/ acq

enterprise.fullrealizationTwelfthFiveYearPlanbasicallycompletedworld-classcleanenergygroupThreeGorgesnew"ThreeGorgesdream",integralpartChinesedream用develop a habit of doing造句1. I developed a habit of doing laundry every weekend. 2. She developed a habit of doing 30 minutes of exercise every day. 3. He de

4、It is necessary to innovate and develop military theories.创新和发展军事理论。5、Dark-skinned people rarely develop skin cancer.深色皮肤的人很少得皮肤癌。6、主页>造句>英语造句> develop造句,develop例句1、Several industries aredeveloping in this area、几种工业正在这个地区发展。2、Plantsdevelopfrom seeds、植物由种子


标签: give away造句简单



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