

用sometimes造句六年级上册 2023-12-31 10:23 244 墨鱼


1、Firefightersput outfires. 2、extinguish (=put out)a candle 3、Pleaseput outyour hand. 4、Weput outfrom Liverpool. 5、He looked reallyput out. 6When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find.When it grew d

On the one hand, it enables more people to live a better life, but on the other hand, it is conceivable that its acceleration will put an extra stress on city resources1、put down(exterminate)vermin 2、Dannyput downhis glass. 3、We mustput downexpenditure. 4、Sheput downher spoon. 5、Don'tput downyour hands. Put the

ˇ﹏ˇ Putyour cigarette out before youputthe light out. 在熄灯前要把雪笳烟弄熄。Make a duck soup,puta pressure cooker,putspices. 做一个鸭汤,放进高压锅里,放上调味品。put造句put 1、I put another steak on the barbecue.(我在烤架上又放了一块肉排。2、She's put her hair up.(她把头发挽在头上。3、He put his arms around her.(他搂着

He put his milk bottles carefully on the doorstep every morning. 他每天早上小心地把牛奶瓶放在门口台阶上。4.3、同位语4.3.1、what 同位语,是指句子中指代同一事物的两个词notice[5nEutis] 注意;留心at a moment's notice一经通知,就立即;随时at [on]short notice在短时间内,接到命令后立即。be beneath one's notice不值一顾be under notice接到。

19、Billputthe uneaten food away.(比尔把没吃的食物收了起来。20、Heaven knows what theyputin it.(天知道他们往里面放了些什么。21、Iputher name on the slip.(我把You put the tree from the back and I'll pull it at the front.你在后面推树,我在前面拉。2.掷,投:to put the shot 掷铅球3.促使…去做;使从事:Put all th


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