
both of造句简单,both of例句

both of造句 2023-06-11 15:53 932 墨鱼
both of造句

both of造句简单,both of例句

Both of them were born in the prison.他们两个都是在监狱里出生的。3. both of 二者都例句:Both of the cars are good. 这两辆车都很好。4. ahead of 在之前,超过例句1:We got there ahead of my teacher. 我在老师之前到达那里。例句2:He wi

1、一、both可用于名词或代词之后,比如你的第二句"You both are respectable.”二、可与of连用,后接名词或代词,如你的第三句"Both of us play the ball." 当both造句简单both简单造句如下:1、They were both only 20 years of age. 他们两人都只有20岁。2、They both had some right on their side. 他们双方都有一定的道理。3

1、both and和both of的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。2、一、意思不同1.both and:两者都;两个都;两者兼具2.both of:两者都;两个;两个都二、用法不bothof造句1.To help the talks along,both of us should make some concessions. 为了会谈有所进展,我们双方都得做出一些让步. 2.Both of them were born in the prison

初三英语知识点_百度知道neither 意为:两者都不……both of两者都。。。neither of 两都都不zhidao.baidu|基于168个网页2. 两个keep_百度百科both and例:Considering every aspect of this positive phenomenon ,we should bear in mind that Chinese traditional culture is of great significance to both our society and ourse

˙▽˙ 用bothof造句彭光含回答:网友采纳Ilikebothofthestories.这两个故事我都喜欢.Tohelpthetalksalong,bothofusshouldmakesomeconcessions.为了会谈有所进展,我13、bothbanks of the river 14、Testbothto ensure robustness. 15、They isbothin duplicate. 16、Both were candidates. We arebothcandidates. Both of us


标签: both of例句



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