
on the whole造句,incommon造句

用on one’s own造句 2022-12-26 07:32 990 墨鱼
用on one’s own造句

on the whole造句,incommon造句

Onthewholehe got what he wanted . 大体而言,一切如他所愿。Onthewholeit does a good job . 总的来说,这工作做得还不错。Onthewholefemale dolphins are more sociable t【篇一:onthewhole 造句】the team did well on the whole. tom made a difference in the teamwork,and they won at last. 【篇二:onthewhole 造句】on the whole :he is

31、Those in business are not,on the whole, conversant with basic scientific principles. 32、Therefore, we need to analyze comprehensively OE2's infOn the whole, he rather enjoyed having to be so disagreeable. 总的来说,他现在以待人冷淡生硬为乐事. 来自辞典例句6. On the whole, the provinces thrived under ro

This testimony puts quite a new faceon the wholematter. 这个证词使整个案情完全改观了。英文例句大全为您提供on the whole英文例句大全,on the whole英文造句,关于on th1.On the whole,you express yourself very clearly. 总体来讲,你表达得很清楚。2.On the whole, I found him to be the most reasonable instructor in that

ˇ▽ˇ On the whole, I'm in favour of the proposal. 总的说来,我赞成这个提议。The two buildings are similar on the whole. 从整体来看,这两幢楼是相似的。Perhaps the top b1、Economics,on the whole, disagrees. 2、I agree with youon the whole. 3、She was easy-goingon the whole. 4、Time wore on pleasantly, and likewise s

1. on the whole 1. On the whole, I like it. 总的看来,我喜欢这个。on the whole 网络解释1. on the whole的反义词1. 总的来说,大体上:on the turn 正在转变中| on theon the whole英语造句,1、His action brought disgrace on the whole family.他的行为给全家带来了耻辱。2、Females fart just as much as males,


标签: incommon造句



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