
most of people,in our lives

下载作业帮的步骤 2023-12-20 16:06 180 墨鱼

most of people,in our lives

most of people 大部分人们1. most people 大多数人tw.knowledge.yahoo|基于1 个网页2. 大部分的人关於most的差别,急!- Yahoo most of the people 那些most of people的意思是:大多数的人们

most of people对不对

╯^╰〉 most people的意思是:最大多数的人们

most of people和most people

most of the people 人们中的大部分具体来说:most后面不加范围most of加范围,表示该范围内的大多数区别如下:一、most后可直接跟名词(可数或不可数),同时,也【实⽤英语】⼤多数⼈是mostofpeople还是mostpeople?我们常说的「⼤多数⼈」到底是most people 还是most of people 还是most of the people 好像每⼀个读起来都很顺⼝ 顺

most of people后面接什么

most of people 英美大多数人网络释义过着艰苦的生活;觉得很难理解;常用牛津中考高考四级六级考研影视原声常用双语例句1.Mostofthepeoplelive well belmost of people 应为most of the people.其中的most 是代词,意思是某一已知整体中的“大部分”,因此后面应该是the people.例:Most of the town was destroy

most of people和most of the people

most people 大多数人(所有人) most of people 没有的。Most people或者most of the people.解析:most 后面直接可以跟名词,表示大多数。。。most of后面跟解析用are people可数most of 大多数分析总结。后跟什么be动词inthelibrary扫码下载作业帮拍照答疑一拍即得答案解析查看更多优质解析举报用arepeople可数mostof大多数解


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