
crash的短语搭配,crash down

fall的固定短语搭配 2023-09-24 16:59 444 墨鱼

crash的短语搭配,crash down

crash hollowly沉重地撞击crash+介词crash in flames起火坠毁;crash into撞在…上;crash into a pole撞在灯柱子crash helmet 头盔,安全帽;crash into 闯入,撞;crash locator beacon 应急定位信标;crash pad 防震垫;缓冲垫;座舱口软垫圈;crash project=crash program 应急计划;crash re

˙▽˙ crash 习惯用语on a crash basis■紧[应]急地with a crash■轰隆[哗啦,卡喳]一声考试词汇表crash的常用短语用作动词(v.) crash down (v.+adv.) 哗啦一声或咔嚓倒下或摔下fall heavily with a loud noise crash into (v.+prep.) 撞上,坠毁fall or st

crash短语,crash的短语?一、crash的短语?1/crash释义:v. 碰撞;使)坠毁;使)摔碎;使发出巨响;金融企业等)破产;机器、系统等)崩溃;比赛中)惨败;在临时安排的地方)入睡;心脏停crash down (v.+adv.) crash into (v.+prep.) crash out (v.+adv.) crash to (v.+prep.) crash with (v.+prep.) crash的用法例句:1. A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterda

短语搭配1. car crash 车祸;汽车碰撞2. air crash 飞机失事3. stock market crash 股市崩盘;股市行情暴跌双语例句1. Crash went the bowl down to the ground来源:2016年12月六级第2套题句子搭配题1、They were impressionable kids during the crash of 2008, when many of their parents lost their jobs or their


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