
chopstick造句简单,paper cutting造句简单

用find造句子简单 2023-12-31 17:05 183 墨鱼

chopstick造句简单,paper cutting造句简单

●▽● chopstick造句复制1、Putting achopstickin a glass before pouring in beer can prevent foam.(倒啤酒时,杯子里放一根筷子就不会起白沫了。2、Feifei: Of course I canchopsticks造句1、Can you usechopsticks? 2、Thesechopsticksare beautiful! 3、Five, six, usechopsticks. 4、Don't drop yourchopsticks. 5、Could I have

chopsticks造句复制1、You should learn to usechopsticks.(你要学会使用筷子。hao86 2、Don't bite thechopsticks.(不要咬筷子。3、Thechopsticksslid from her ha英文例句大全为您提供chopstick英文例句大全,词语chopstick造句,关于chopstick的句子,chopstick怎么造句,chopstick英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于chopstick,chopstick的

●﹏● chopstick造句1、bamboo plain chopstick. 2、I need chopstick, knife, fork. 3、The chopstick dipped into water looks bent. 4、In China, chopstick is the tool of ea单词chopsticks 例句大全,用单词chopsticks造句:celluloidchopsticks 假象牙筷I can usechopsticks. 我用筷子。We ate withchopsticks. 我们用筷子吃东西。We eat withch

1、bamboo plainchopstick 2、I needchopstick, knife, fork. 3、Thechopstickdipped into water looks bent. 4、In China,chopstickis the tool of eating. 5Usingchopstickmay be difficult for you. 你用筷子可能有点困难。My father progged the top of the loaves with achopstick. 我父亲用一只筷子戳刺面包的顶部Place the t

I know to have a thing I am certain err, be achopstickthen use. 我知道有一件事我是一定做错了,那就是筷子的使用. 期刊摘选Get a piece of sponge and tie it to achopchopsticks 英['tʃɒpstɪks] 美['tʃɑ:pstɪks]n. 筷子;筷子( chopstick的名词复数);[造句]Do you know how to use chopsticks?你


标签: paper cutting造句简单



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