
benervousabout的造句,be sick of造句

be free造句 2023-12-25 11:27 455 墨鱼
be free造句

benervousabout的造句,be sick of造句

1. Don't be nervous about me, I'll worry along somehow.不要为我操心,我会设法活下去.23. John was nervous about his presentation, but he tried to be confident about his knowledge of the topic.(约翰对他的演讲感到紧张,但他努力让自己对这个话题的知识充

≥﹏≤ I'm very nervous about taking the exam. 翻译为:我对参加考试紧张不安。这里的be nervous about表示对什么感到紧张。Consumers are very nervous about the future. 翻译为:消【nervous造句】1、The party has become deeply nervous about its prospects of winning the next election. 该党对赢得下一次选举的前景深感忧虑。2、She was apparently a ve

1. Don't be nervous about me, I'll worry along somehow.不要为我操心,我会设法活下去.2. Do not be nervous about me, I will worry along somehow.不要为我担网络对…感到紧张;对…紧张;为……感到不安网络释义1. 对…感到紧张常用介词详解-专业词汇-中国教育文摘be happy about 为…而高兴,be nervous about对…感到紧张,b

be happy about 为……感到高兴be hopeful about 对……抱有希望be mad about 对……入迷be nervous about 为……感到不安be particular about 对……讲究/挑剔be sad about 为be far from 离……远,远远不Success won'tbe far fromyou. 成功不会远离你。be free from 不受……影响的;摆脱了……的I was so happy tobe free fromthe pain. 我很高兴摆脱了

26.Surprisingly,she didn't feel nervous. or regretful about her actions. 令人惊讶的是27. Currently, over 500 students are enrolled on the course. 目前28.Generally, gi19、He may be having feelings about your changing body or benervous aboutharming the baby in intimate moments. 20、A boy is about to go on his first


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