

fix句子怎么写 2023-12-29 22:03 542 墨鱼


ˇ△ˇ fix造句1、Fix [Unfix] bayonets! 2、fix firmly and stably. 3、digital monostable delay fix 4、trim-form-fix system 5、fix by position lines 6、Proxi单词fix 例句大全,用单词fix造句:How then would Adam Smithfixthe present mess ? 那么亚当?斯密会如何解决当前得危机?You can add some code tofixthese minor issues

●▂● 18、That means that you design something, test it,fix itand then test it again. 19、Today, Geithner said: "We are going to keep at it until wefix itfix的用法3:“be fixing to+动词原形”可以表示“准备做某事”,含有“确定下来”“不会变”的意味。fix的用法4:fix用作名词时基本意思是“困境”“窘境”;也可作“定位于”

╯0╰ fix up造句如下:1、It must have taken you a long time to fix up all these bookshelves.你一定花了很长时间才把fix I bought a run-down farm house and plan tofixit up. 我买了一间破败的农舍,打算整修整修。The man jacked up his car tofixa flat tire. 那人用千斤顶把他的汽车顶起

1、Fix [Unfix] bayonets! 2、fixfirmly and stably. 3、digital monostable delayfix 4、trim-form-fixsystem 5、fixby position lines 6、Proximity sensorf1、We canfix the ship's exact position at the time the fire broke out.(我们可以确定发生火灾时那艘船的确切位置。2、I believe in the maxim "if it ain't broke, don


标签: fill造句



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