
amount of造句,sustainable造句

a variety of 2023-12-30 15:54 470 墨鱼
a variety of

amount of造句,sustainable造句

39、Jinan, those hills are too delicate to bear a largeamount ofsnow, but not a smallamount ofsnow. 40、Whenever the carryingamount ofan asset exceed1. A larger amount:更多的数量2. Small amounts:少量3. Total amount:总数4. Full amount:全额5. Amount o

∩△∩ 8、The amount ofthe fine must be specified. 9、The amount ofconcurrency was never high enough. 10、The amount ofnutrient input with rainfall in foreshe has no times.the shop has no birds.no rubbish.the painter has no pictures.he will spen a very laege amounts of money tomorrow.he will spen an amount

●^● an amount of造句1、Holdback – an amount of 10% of Merchant's gross turnover for unexpected cases of chargebacks. 2、Each of these processes consume这里的amounts of指的是利息量,企业主感到惊讶的是他必须支付的大量利息。5. There are certain foods that contain significant amounts of essential vitamins and minera

例句与造句Blocking random users in good standing, deleting FAs as nonsense, but Equa is right, there is a limit to the amountof bad things 1, 000 people can do16、Theamount oftax dodging crime can be classified into two parts: the amount payable and the amount paid. 17、Either theamount ofreduced chromium o

∪▂∪ 英文例句大全为您提供no amount of英文例句大全,词语no amount of造句,关于no amount of的句子,no amount of怎么造句,no amount of英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于no amou31.He hadalargeamountofproperty in hand because of his position. 他因为有地位,所以有万贯家财任其支配。- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(11)差评() 32.Traveler's chec


标签: sustainable造句



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