
famine victim翻译,aristotle翻译

famine的近义词 2023-12-29 16:47 143 墨鱼

famine victim翻译,aristotle翻译

The police retraced the movements of the murder victim. 警方追溯了被谋杀者当时的动作。The lion attacked its victim with great ferocity. 狮子凶猛地扑向猎物。We aThegroundwassplitemittingblackwaters andsulfurgaseswhenthequakeoccurred,numerousfaminevictimswerestifledtodeath. 地震发生时,土地开裂,冒出发绿的黑水,硫磺毒气横溢,

The police retraced the movements of the murder victim.警方追溯了被谋杀者当时的动作。The lion attacked its victim with great ferocity.狮子凶猛地扑向猎物。We arefamine victim的用法和样例:例句The plight of the famine victims commands everyone's sympathy. 饥民的苦境值得大家同情。We are collecting money for

We are collecting money for the famine victim. 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。Thousands of people died of famine. 千千万万的人死于饥荒。详细解释:fam.inen.(名词)A d英文翻译1.famine victim; famine refugee 详细解释(1).荒年无食之民。飢,通“饥”。《后汉书·袁术传》“加天旱岁荒,士民冻馁,江淮閒相食殆尽。时舒

victim 高中/CET4/CET6 英[ˈvɪktɪm] 美[ˈvɪktɪm] 释义常用高考讲解n. 受害者,遇难者;祭品,牺牲品点击人工翻译,了解更多人工释义词态变化复数:victims; 实用场景famine 常用词汇英['fæmɪn]美['fæmɪn] n.饥荒;极度缺乏Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计饥荒极度缺乏famine的英文翻译是什么

饥民[ji min,] 英语字典:饥(ji,)民(min,) “饥民”的英语翻译词典解释ji min 1.starved people; famished people; famine victim; famine refugee “饥民”的其它翻译英汉对照3000句(471-564)1. My house is very central.  我的家⾮常靠近市中⼼。   2. The doctors shall operate on his central nervous system.  医⽣们将要对


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