
be faithful to,attempt to

bring 2023-09-25 00:33 863 墨鱼

be faithful to,attempt to

访问沪江小D查看be faithful to的更多详细解释> 参考例句a faithful employee效忠的雇员Faith in; trust in对..之信心An unconquerable faith.不可战胜的信念As faithfu李玉技高频词组_百度文库(=suddenly) 突然;(=be faithful to; obey)忠于;遵守。2. (=being absent-minded) 心不在焉4. wenku.baidu|基于1756个网页2. 对…

⊙﹏⊙‖∣° be faithful to 每日打卡10分钟,词汇量将突破极限。词表可中英文自测,通过游戏轻松加深记忆。从四六级到托福、GRE词汇,词典中有海量例句和视频。单词本…be faithful to be faithful to duties忠于职守,尽忠职守faithful representation【计】真实表示faithful linear representation一一线性表示相似单词faithfula. 1.忠实的,忠诚的2.the

+0+ 1、Friends shouldbe faithful toeach other. 2、You have sworn tobe faithful tome. 3、They proved tobe faithful tothe country. 4、If you want your fribe faithful to 双语例句1、They promised tobe faithful totheir ideal for ever. 他们保证永远忠于自己的理想. ——《简明英汉词典》2、You have sworn t

?▽? We should be faithful to our country. 我们要忠实于国家。Be sincere with your body and soul. 要忠实于你的身体和灵魂。权威例句To be or not to be faithful: flexib有哪位英语高手知道be true to和be faithful to 的区别,谢谢了i never cease to be faithful to you 急求“But girl you make it hard to be faithful”的中


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