

floor造句简单小学 2023-09-24 11:42 325 墨鱼


单词only 例句大全,用单词only造句:True life isonlylove, loveonlybless. 真正的生活是爱情,爱情才是惟一的幸福。Onlythe French CanOnlythe French Can! 法国康康舞!We2、Nothing in life is to be weak, only reluctant to effort.生活中没有弱者,只有不愿努力的人。3、I'm onlya green hand at most.最多我也只算是个新手。4、Going into

(°ο°) only a little造句复制1、I'll continue it in her own words,only a littlecondensed.(我要用她自己的话继续讲下去,只是压缩一点。2、I'monly a littlegirl.(我是一个小每次都能排除2个选项,在剩下两个中纠结,最终还是选择了错误的那个。后来在坚持背单词的同时,我也

造句宝典1、好奇★我看见新鲜的东西都觉得很好奇。★我看到路上有个黑色的袋子感到很好奇,想看看到底是什么。2、引人注目★他以优异的成绩考到了全年级only造句1、Employeesonly;Staffonly 2、Only empirically,onlyin process. 3、Bull said,onlyeatonlystrong love. 4、It'sonlynineteen yuan. 5、It'sonlyHu

例如,当学习到“It not only made China the only major economy worldwide with positive growth in 2020, but also injected impetus into the global econoonly造句1、Xiao Ming gave xiao Hong the only apple. 小明把唯一的苹果给了小红。2、Xiao Hong is the only girl in her class. 小红是班里唯一的女生。3、Small white

only造句1、Her one idea was, "If only grandmother still sits in her corner by her spinning wheel!"她唯一的想法就是:“要是奶奶还坐在角落里的纺车旁就好了!”2、The Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested,that is,some books are to be read only in parts,others to


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