
prepare of,to prepare

preparefor的同义词 2023-09-27 10:41 580 墨鱼

prepare of,to prepare

准备;做好心理准备prepare因为不是名词,所以没有可数的说法;prepare:vt准备;准备(饭菜);装备;使(自己)准备好。不及物动词做好准备。做好心理准备;制作,制定;运动(身体等。、训练扩Define prepare. prepare synonyms, prepare pronunciation, prepare translation, English dictionary definition of prepare. v. pre·pared , pre·par·ing , pre·pares

prepare v.[T] 1.准备2.预备(饭菜);做(饭) 3.调制,配制(药品等) 4.使(自己)有准备;防范5.使适合;使习惯于;锻炼(身体等);训练6.配备;装备7.给最新单词transmission of water的中文意思输水网络释义1. 准备2013年职称英语综合类重点短语aboveall 最重要的preparefor准备getto 开始;到达studyez|基于3个网页2. 为……做准备单词记忆之后是词

一、表达意思不同1、prepare:使做好准备,把……预备好;(为……)做好准备;预备(饭菜),做(饭);配制(药prepare for the worst 作最坏的打算同根词汇preparation 预备;准备preparatory 预科;预备学校preparedness 准备;有准备精选例句高考四级六级考研1

ˋ^ˊ〉-# Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. [谚]抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。权威例句Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Inventing to prepare for fWe have provided sample questions to help you prepare for your IELTS test. This will give you an idea of the test format and what to expect in the Listening, Reading, Writing and Spe

The meaning of PREPARE is to make ready beforehand for some purpose, use, or activity. How to use prepare in a sentence.Prepare with these top-selling resources and services from the makers of the test. Learn More Additional free preparation materials Khan Academy®Instructional Vi


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