
spent sth to do,spend后加to和

it takes sth to do sth 2023-03-25 19:39 443 墨鱼
it takes sth to do sth

spent sth to do,spend后加to和

require sb to do sth: You can require yourself to be nice to others, but you shouldn’t expect the same from others. 你可以要求自己善待他人,但你不应该期望别人也这么做。没有spend to do这个用法。spend的用法如下:spend in doing in 后面接动名词spend on sth 后面接名词或代词例句

spend 后面是绝对不加to do的,我很确定一般说来是spend (some time/moeny) on sth或者spend (spend是及物动词,没有spend sth to do sth 的形式,只有spend sth on (doing )sth或spend sth doing sth/with sb spend的用法如下:spend in doing in 后面接动名

不过不管是spend in doing还有spend to do,在很多时候,都可以用spend on sth.来代替是。只要do是一个及物动词,它的后面带有宾语,就行得通。比如:Spend gold on Packs. 在包上让我想一个特例给你~报纸上出错是常有的事正确的就是A lot of money has been spent (in)

⊙0⊙ on或in后面接直接对象,被spend的钱或时间花在了某物或事件上面。to do 表示整个spend的事件的目的性。aPeople in different countries behave healthily when they eat dinner 当他们吃晚餐时,人们用不同的国家健康地表现[translate] aspend to do sth 花费做sth[translate]

spend to do 和doing区别没有spend to do这个用法。spend的用法如下:spend in doing in 后面接动名词,spend on sth后面接名词或代词。例句:I spent an hour in watching TV. 我看了【答】spend time and money 之后接doing 或to do 都对。前者表示花费的“方式”;后者强调花费的“


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