

用recycle造句 2023-09-30 21:10 741 墨鱼


1、This led, as we shall see, to the concept of the adjoint equation.这就引出了,如我们将要看到的,伴随方程Shall I hide on the roof?What shall I do if I did not do my homework?Lets take a look ,shall we?Ask

shall 造句/ 例句1. Whatshallwe do this weekend? 这个周末我们要做什么呢?《牛津词典》2.ShallI order a taxi for you? 要我给你叫辆出租车吗?《牛津词典》3.ShallI You shall have an iphone 11 if you do well in the mid-term exam.(第二人称,表允诺) 期中考试考得好就给你买个爱疯11。Whatever you want you shall have," said the Fairy.(

1、Oneshallstand, Oneshallfall ! 2、Tis youshallreign,shallreign alone. 3、Oneshallstand,oneshallfall. 4、水墨画引*南韵,锦秀华章扮莲池。5、Intrudershall 英[ʃəl] 美[ʃæl] v. 必须;应该;可以;将要;造句:1、Shall I get the keys? 我去拿钥匙好吗?2、We shall be landing in Paris in sixteen minutes

shall造句1、Shall we go to the cinema tonight? It's a romantic movie and I think you'll like it. 2、I shall be there at seven o'clock. Please don't be late. 3、S单词shall 例句大全,用单词shall造句:The voidshallnot weary, the fearshallnot alter. 单调不会令他们厌倦,惊怕也不会改变。Weshallnot all sleep, but weshallall be c

shall英语造句,1、And the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them.让他将未来的事,和必成的事说明。2、What sha百度试题结果1 题目用shall造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析shall we go to supermarket?反馈收藏


标签: show造句并翻译



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