
set off the row翻译,putting the cowhide on翻译

put up 2023-12-29 10:59 638 墨鱼
put up

set off the row翻译,putting the cowhide on翻译

Set off the row 这个短语,set off出发,发起,row一行,所以是率先之意英na.分;分割;划开;区划网络抵销;抵消;出发第三人称单数:sets off现在分词:setting off 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 分;分割;划开;区划2. 装饰;使更鲜明;衬托出;使显得更

Inflation has fallen for the third month in arow. 通货膨胀率连续第三个月在下降。牛津词典Werowedaround the island. 我们绕着岛划船。牛津词典Gracerowedthe boat oin a row 在一行row a boat 划船set off the row 把这一行衬托出来back row 后排in the back row 在后排front row seat 首席采访者a row of 一排front row 前排row house 排

set off the row发音意思翻译设置行相似词语短语set-off───n.突出部;断开,断流;凸缘set off───v.出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开;出发;动身;启程the row──On May 31st Microsoft set off the row. It said that Internet Explorer 10, the version due to appear with Windows 8, would have DNT as a default. 在5月31日,微软挑起了

ˋωˊ set out 重复播放v. 出发,开始,装饰,陈列,测定,宣布,移植,陈述启程展示英文解释动词:1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action;相似"We bega文中set off the row指“挑起争端”。as a default指“作为默认”。比如◇As a default, each step in a long-running process is a transaction in and of itself. 默认情况下,长期运行流程中

row 基本词汇英[rəʊ]美[roʊ] n.排;划船;路;吵闹v.划船;将排成排;吵架Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计排划船吵闹吵架路='-') { /* Subtract the minimum offset found in first pass */ /* and add in the current vertical offset */ setOffset('Y',numstr[0], num-miny + (int)PIXROUND(v,vco


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