
put…into造句简单翻译,in fact造句

turn on造句 2023-09-27 19:50 760 墨鱼
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put…into造句简单翻译,in fact造句

1. 词性:‘put into’是一个动词短语,常用于表示将物品或概念放入或加入到某个容器或环境中。例句:He put the book into his backpack. (他把书放进背包里。2. 意义:‘put intoput into【放进】例一You need to put some effort into studying.你应该在学习上多放进一些精力。(就是多努力点的意思)。例二Put some salt into the s

put into 读音汉语翻译流入,驶入例句:In recent years a number of communications satellites have beenput intoorbit. 近些年来,很多通讯卫星被送上轨道。The deceiv双语例句Their ship was put into port to careen and refit. 他们的轮船被送入港口倾侧待修。youdict It can be held in the hand, moved, and put into or onto

put into造句如下:How many dollars will be needed to put into sicily remains to be seen.用put into造句例二:It seems unlikely given the unprecedented ef二、put…into的例句1. She put the flowers into the vase. 她把花放进了花瓶里。2. He put the key into his pocket. 他把钥匙放进了他的口袋里。3. They put the toys

put into的用法:put into的意思注入,船)入港,侧重于使某物处于某种状态,强调的是状态。put into后只能接名词构成复合宾语。例句:He quickly put the money intput into可以翻译为“放入、投入、送入、安置、使陷入某种状态或情况等”,是一个多义词。put into的主语通常是人或物,宾语则是容器或位置。近义词place: 同样表示将某物放


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