

give造句 2023-09-24 10:35 700 墨鱼


1、be made from 由…制造;A choice that can be made from menus. 2、be made of 由…制造;They can be made of ceramic materials as well. 3、make up1、be made from 由…制造;A choice that can be made from menus. 2、be made of 由…制造;They can be made of ceramic materials as well. 3、make up

make trouble捣乱,惹麻烦,惹是生非make a snowman堆雪人make one’s/the bed整理床铺,铺床make a fire生火make way让路make friends 交朋友make friends with sb和某人交朋友(“有你的消息”投稿了5篇make短语,以下是©无忧考网为大家整理后的make短语,希望对您有所帮助。篇1:make短语众生相作者:汪伦1. make a telephone 打电话I made a telephone to y

1、make a decision 作出决定;We need to make a quick decision. 2、make a plan for 为……订计划;Make a plan for his birthday party. 3、make a record 录制唱片;Make a clearmake的词组造句子【一】1 . You are not looking for a perfect person, but a person who is the most suitable for you 2 . Why do the good girls, always

1、Make way there--makeway--makeway! 2、makegreat strides;makegreat improvements 3、makea remark;makea comment 4、makeoneself at home;makeoneself remake的短语1、make a decision 作出决定2、make a plan for 为……订计划3、make a record 录制唱片4、make fun of 取笑某人5、make sentences 造句6、make enemies 树


标签: make造句简单些



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