

myfriend英语作文5句话 2022-12-25 14:16 457 墨鱼


Who can be my friend? 作者:小丸子时间:2015-11-23 18:54:16我要投稿!Do you want a new friend? Try me! My name is Zhou Yanling. I have short hair anMy Good Friend I believe that everyone has friends. However, good friend is rare. Fortunately, I

family.She love her mother and father . And she also has a sister.She also like she.This is my good friend . I want to learn about your good friend. PleWhocanbemyfriend?Doyouwantanewfriend?Tryme!IamRobintheRobot!Iamfriendlyandfunny.IcanspeakEnglishandChinese.Icandosomekungfu.Icanplayping-pong,butIcan'tswim.Whatcanyoudo?Pleasesendmea

>0< My Good Friend I believe that everyone has friends. However, good friend is rare. Fortunately, I hav高分英语作文1:Who can be my friend In my opinion, an attractive teacher is not only beautiful in appearance, but also good in internal quality. First of all, he or she m

Hi,my name is Tobey.I am 11 years old.Do you want a new friend? I can draw cartoons. I can cook for you.I can sing songs for you. I can do a little 回答:你可以写写几个不同的同学,然后写你觉得谁适合做你的好朋友

1.Lead-in (借助简笔画的形式呈现主人公Robin) T:I also bring a new friend here. Guess who is he? T:What’s his like? What can he do ? What can’t he do? (由声音引who can be my frIend?的英语作文怎么写扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报b 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解


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