

fly造句 2023-12-25 16:53 953 墨鱼


dance造句1、Dance is performed for various purposes like ceremonial dance, erotic dance, performance dance, social dance etc. 2、弟弟一会逗人高兴一单词dances 例句大全,用单词dances造句:And as shedanceslike a dream 当她跳起梦幻般的舞步Shedanceswith effortless grace. 她跳舞动作优美,轻松自如。This is the elde

Bruce never goes to thedances; he does not care a straw about dancing. 布鲁斯从来不去跳舞,他一点也不喜欢跳舞。The rhythmic stamping of the heels characteristic odanced造句1、They danced a waltz. 2、I danced for joy. 3、They danced till midnight. 4、She danced without music. 5、She danced with much grace. 6

╯^╰〉 主语是第三人称单数,dance就要变三单形式。dance的第三人称单数形式是规则变化:dances。用dances造句:She dances well. / Sally often dances on Sundays.10. The dances were supposed to be strictly segregated. 一般说来,对舞会要加以严格的区别。11. The dances were supposed to be string segregated. 一般说来,对舞会要

dance造句复制1、He can'tdancefor toffee!(他根本不会跳舞! 2、They added a lot of fancy footwork to thedance.(他们给这个舞蹈增加了许多复杂的舞步。3、Couples toEven though he is getting older, he still dances superbly. 虽然他年龄大了,但舞跳得还是很棒。She dances with balletic grace. 她的舞姿有芭蕾般的优雅。Hardy played


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