

pupil反义词 2024-01-06 11:50 988 墨鱼


pupil的意思是学生;尤指)小学生;弟子;门生;门徒;瞳孔;眸子;瞳人。造句:As a girl she had been a model pupil 还是个小女孩的时候,她就是一个模范学生。The painting is by a puppupil造句1、externalpupiltelescope 2、Like teacher, likepupil. 3、Argyll-Robertsonpupil 4、Today is yesterday'spupil. 5、He is an aptpupil. 6、Dong

5. Ms Cadwell, with a big smile, is off to another pupil. (翻译:卡德韦尔女士脸上洋溢着笑容,她离开了爱莎走向另一个学生。6. It was said that she was[原文背景] Sapir’s pupil, Benjamin Lee Whorf, continued the study of American Indian languages. [第39句]Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, W

3. Pupil to musical friend:I have to practice an hour a day! 学生对爱好音乐的朋友说:我每天不得不练习一小时!n. 1. a learner who is enrolled in an educational instpupil的中文翻译pupil是一个英语名词,基本意思是“学生”,尤指中小学生,还可以解释为“弟子,门生,门徒”。复数:pupils pupil的用法总结pupil后面通常接in引

汉语翻译n. 学生,门生,未成年人,瞳孔【医】瞳孔词型变化:形容词:pupilar 词意辨析:pupil, student, learner, scholar 这些名词均含“学生”之意。pupil: 特指中小学生[例]The pupil becomes smaller in bright light and larger in dim light. 光线强时瞳孔变小,弱时变大。更多意思参考例句1.The headmaster decided to make an example o

ˋωˊ Charles Guignon, Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Florida. Béatrice Han-Pile, former pupil of the Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, is Reader in Philo意思翻译n.学生;解剖]瞳孔;未成年人相似词语短语pupils───n.学生(pupil的复数形式);[解剖]瞳孔pugil───一撮;一把pupal───adj.蛹的pupilar───学生huipi


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