

share with造句 2023-12-26 13:15 686 墨鱼
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My life is falling apart. 我的人生越来越糟糕了。Things were falling apart at home. 家里的事情都乱成一团了。Everything fell apart. We had a big fig例:Their marriage/relationship isfalling apart.他们的婚姻/恋情危在旦夕。例:I felt like my world wasfalling apart. 我感觉自己的世界好像崩溃了。❣️学以致用请

单词apart 例句大全,用单词apart造句:In fact he loved her even more deeply now that they wereapart. 事实上,由于他们分开了,他对她爱得更深了。and though we were ver6.fallto pieces;fallapart 破碎-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译样例- 学习好评(10)差评() 7.In American English, it'sfall, F-A-L-L. 在美式英语里,那就是fall,F-A-L-L。

The book was old and soon fell apart.这书已有年月,没隔多久书页都脱落了。This cup just fell apart in my hands.不知怎的,我手里的这只杯子破碎了。fall apart■破碎,26、Sometimes good thingsfall apartso better things can fall together.有时候失去了一些好东西,是为了迎接更好的。27、With menu items like" Original

apart造句1、take apart; pull apart;Break down 2、Gatsby's dream falls apart. 3、Their ambitions fall apart. 4、always together forever apart. 5、WeAs time goes by they get discouraged and their ambitions fall apart.随着岁月的消逝,他们失去了勇气。他们的雄心壮志也都成了泡影。His promising career began to fall

∩△∩ 5、The plan will fall apart if there is not enough financial support.如果没有足够财政支持,这个计划终会一败涂地。fall apart造句1、Their ambitions fall apart. 2、His promising career began to fall apart. 3、Without them, the machine would fall apart. 4、So, can things fall a


标签: fall造句并翻译



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