

十个简单的主语从句 2023-09-24 21:29 605 墨鱼


十个简单的宾语从句1.I am sorry that I have troubled you so long.很抱歉我这么长时间在打扰你。2.I hate it when they say with their mouths full of food.我讨厌他们满嘴食简单的宾语从句例句:1) I know who he is. 2). He asked what he should do. 3) they want to know where they should go. 宾语从句20例句带翻译简单1、We b

1. that引导宾语从句时无含义,不充当成分,常省略。that不引导介词的宾语从句,至于except that, in that, save that, but that等是复合从属连词。I know (that) you have met him.宾语从句例句如下:1、I believe that he is honest.我相信他是诚实的。2、I don't believe (that)he has finish

用that引导的从句作介词宾语时,需要用形式宾语it替代,然后将that从句放在最后。例句:You may depend on it thatwe will overcome the difficulty.请你相信宾语从句一、宾语从句的概念什么是宾语从句?先看下面一组例句。They knowa message. They动作发出者即主语,know动作本身即谓语,a message动作的接受者即宾语。I knowhe likes m

宾语从句例句1.We believe that he is honest. 2.The doctor insists that I give up smoking. 3.I suggest that we should go tomorrow. 4.I suggested that we should go 十个简单的宾语从句(答案仅供参考):I promise you I will be there. 我答应你我会去。I hoped I would 我曾希望我会成功。He thinks they will give him


标签: 定语从句典型例句100句



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