
that's enough,enough的用法和位置

enough修饰adj放在哪里 2023-12-24 21:00 379 墨鱼

that's enough,enough的用法和位置

中文翻译为:that is enough 这就足够了例句:1、That is enough to pay the start-up costs for fourteen research projects.那足够用来支付14个科研项目的启动That's Enough - Johnny Cash (约翰尼·卡什) Well now I heard that you been talking bout me Really I don't mind I know you try to block my progress A lot of the time

that's enough翻译

Iputmyhandon thedoorandpusheditalittle anda littlemoretillsomebodysaid,"There,that'senough--putyourheadin." 我把一只手按住了大门,轻轻推了一点点儿,再一点点儿,到后不想对方继续下去,可以说Leave it at that这句话,表示“行了”、“到此为止”We'll never agree, so let's just leave it at that. 我们不会同意的,就到这儿吧!Enough is as good

that's enough for me

(°ο°) That's the good stuff 都是世间的幸事That's enough 这就足够了Never mind your pedigree 别在意自己的出身You and me babe that's a match 你和我在一起Now then, that's enough noise.───好啦,这够吵了。WG says that's enough, but Big Sis tells her to shut up before going back to making out with Ai.───WG的说,

That’s enough

这个时候你需要给人家答复,当你觉得够了,就可以说that's enough,或者更简单一点,直接用when或ok回答也没问题。但是做好不要用stop来表达,语气稍显生硬,会让对的名词)时,enough 才可作表语用,如果主语是名词,enough 便不能作表语用了如:1) That’s enough.. Thank you. 够了,谢谢。2) Five is enough. 五个够了。3) Will 12 appl


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