
End up,end up的用法归纳

end up 后面接什么 2023-12-30 20:19 411 墨鱼
end up 后面接什么

End up,end up的用法归纳

end up 美英na.结束;完事;俚]死;直立着网络告终;的使用难点;以失败告终第三人称单数:ends up现在分词:ending up过去式:ended up 同义词反义词v. transpire,finish up,“end up”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 1. 结束You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that. 你要是老这样花钱,总有一天要负债。2. 死亡

[英[end ʌp] 美[ɛnd ʌp] ] end up的意思、解释end up 基本解释end up的反义词(以…结束;最终成为[变得]; 最后处于end up 相关例句ph. 1. You will end up in debend up基本解释<非正>(以…结束;最终成为[变得];最后处于网络释义1. 结束,告终2. 总结3. 结果是4. 结束,完事。5. 告终6. 收场7. 终结8. 竖着9. 终了end up的用

3). Youend uprepeating the ideas you're hoping people will forget—but, of course, people can't forget them because you keep talking about them. 你最终会重复那些你希望动词end up: finally be or do something 同义词:finish up, land up, fetch up, wind up, finish 例句:If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead. 他照这样

?0? 英[end ʌp] 美[end ʌp] 释义用例词组更多结束;告终;意外到达英英释义Verb: finally be or do something; "He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart" "hend up三种用法:1、end up doing sth最后做某事,停止做某事;2、end up with sth以…完毕;3、hold ones end up坚持下去,积极地作战。例句:1、If you go on like this you'll end


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