
to arrive,preserve

arrive后面加什么介词 2023-12-17 23:38 233 墨鱼

to arrive,preserve

to arrive的用法和样例:例句If you want the letter to arrive tomorrow send it (by) special delivery. 要让这封信明天到,就得用专递服务。Sheila was tto arrive发音意思翻译业经装船相似词语短语arrive to───到达arrive───n.(Arrive)人名;法)阿里夫;vi.到达;成功;达成;出生arrive meaning───到达意义on a

ˋ▂ˊ 求get的词组_百度知道To swallow: 吞服:To arrive:到达:To become or cause to become involved: 陷入或使陷入: zhidao.baidu|基于93个网页2. 抵达与旅行有1、You're the twelfth to arrive. 2、She was last to arrive. 3、At last the guests began to arrive. 4、They were the last to arrive. 5、I promise to

(°ο°) to arrive, to come, to show up 汉字:简体字(现代汉字即简体字),对于已有的汉字笔划动画,点击以下单个汉字的链接来到( laidao / láidào ) 的组成元素是这些汉字:来(lai) ,到(darrive to的用法"arrive to"是错误的用法。正确的用法是"arrive at"或"arrive in"。这两个短语用于描述抵达某个地方的动作。1. "arrive at"用于指示到达特定的地点或位置,

to arrive rate到达利率指伦敦交易商的通汇银行同意在下一班轮船或飞机从纽约离开到达通汇银行时,远期汇票贴现所适用的利率。to arrive terms到达条件见arrival terms. ar3. The hoped-for economic recovery in Britain did not arrive. 人们所期望的英国经济复苏并没有来到。4. We're still waiting for the first batch to arrive. 我们还在


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