

主谓宾状语在英语中的语法地位 2023-09-26 21:07 107 墨鱼


主谓宾状结构的英语句子举例具体如下:I give him a book . 主+谓+间宾+直宾。I give a book to him.主+谓+直宾+间宾。I showed Ben the map.主+谓+间宾+直宾。I showed the ma简单的主谓宾结构的英语句子I am think of it. (我正在思考它)She likes watching movies. (她喜欢看电影)He is doing his homework.(他正在写他的作业)I like music.(我喜

例如:That humorous (定) boy (主) makes (谓) Lily (宾) laugh (补) at the meeting(状). Tips: 有“的”是定语;有“地”是状语;有“得”是补语。01、主语定义:句子的主人公;句下面举例15个英语主谓宾状语句子:1. The professor repeated the instructions in a clear voice. 2. The flowers in the garden are blooming beautifully. 3. The childre

∩▂∩ 主谓宾状英文例句:1、主语:He likes watching TV;2、谓语:I can speak English;3、宾语:The boy needs a pen;4、状语:The boy needs a pen very much。主谓宾装补的概念:1、主31. 英语主谓宾句子举例如下:32. Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties. 33. 我在回家的路上看到了一个小男孩。34. Tom leads me a pencil.汤

1、Tom leads me a pencil.汤姆借给我一只铅笔。主谓+宾2、Mother is a teacher.妈妈是一名教师.(系表作谓语) 3、She likes music.她喜欢音乐.(动词作谓语) 4一、举几个英语句子:主系表和主谓宾的句子。am a student. ”我是个学生。“其中I (主语) am (系动词) a student (表语). - 主系表looked unhappy. "你看上

╯^╰〉 主谓宾状句型英语例句如下:1、I'm interested in writing.我对写作很感兴趣。解析:主语是I我,谓语是am intereste一、英语主谓宾句子举例如下:1.I love the book.The book is my friend.2.Very loud noises can make people ill.3.My friend is a middle school student.4.Li Lei always helps


标签: 主谓宾加状语英语句子



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